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Interpretation ID: aiam2823

Mr. Don H. Pendergrass, Norris Industries, 1225 West Imperial Highway, Brea, California 92621; Mr. Don H. Pendergrass
Norris Industries
1225 West Imperial Highway
California 92621;

Dear Mr. Pendergrass: This responds to your January 7, 1978, letter asking whether final-stage wheel manufacturer is permitted to mark a rim in accordance with Standard No. 120, *Tire Selection and Rims for Motor Vehicles Other Than Passenger Cars*. The standard currently specifies that rim marking shall be done by a rim manufacturer, not a final-stage wheel manufacturer.; The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) ha previously determined that a rim manufacturer is the responsible party for rim marking. The language of the standard is specific in this requirement. The agency, however, is reviewing the standard with a view to its possible modification along the lines suggested in your letter. Should the agency decide to amend the standard, a notice proposing such change would first be published in the Federal Register. A final rule would only be issued following analysis of comments submitted by interested parties.; Sincerely, Joseph J. Levin, Jr., Chief Counsel