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Interpretation ID: aiam2989

Mr. Thomas E. Cole, Vice President, Tire Division, Rubber Manufacturers Association, 1901 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W., Washington, DC 20006; Mr. Thomas E. Cole
Vice President
Tire Division
Rubber Manufacturers Association
1901 Pennsylvania Ave.
DC 20006;

Dear Mr. Cole: In your letter of March 19, you pointed out that the tire industry ha printed tire tread labels and consumer information materials based on Figure 2 of the Uniform Tire Quality Grading (UTQG) Standards (49 CFR 575.104), as published in the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's (NHTSA) Docket 25, Notice 24 (43 FR 30542, July 17, 1978). That notice contained a typographical error in the text of Figure 2, which was corrected in Notice 31 (44 FR 15721, March 15, 1979) by substitution of the word 'are' in place of the word 'of' in the first line of the third section of Figure 2.; The labels and other materials printed prior to the issuance of Notic 31 may be technically in noncompliance with the UTQG regulation. To avoid the waste which would result if use of these materials were prohibited, however, NHTSA will permit use of tread labels and information materials containing the Figure 2 text as stated in Notice 24, where orders for printing of these materials were submitted prior to March 15, 1979, the date of publication of Notice 31.; Sincerely, Michael M. Finkelstein, Associate Administrator fo Rulemaking;