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Interpretation ID: aiam3004

Mr. Dave Williams, Studio Aguila, P.O. Box 1202, Gisborne, New Zealand; Mr. Dave Williams
Studio Aguila
P.O. Box 1202
New Zealand;

Dear Mr. Williams: This responds to your March 12, 1979, letter asking whether a sport car designed for use without doors must comply with Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 214, *Side Door Strength* (49 CFR 571.214). The vehicle design discussed in your letter would apparently only have attachable doors for use in bad weather.; Since the test procedures in Safety Standard No. 214 require a loadin device to be placed against the vehicle door, a passenger car having no doors could not practicably be tested. Therefore, a vehicle having doors that are designed to be easily attached to or removed from the vehicle are not required to comply with Safety Standard No. 214, if the vehicle is designed to be operated without the doors.; Sincerely, Frank Berndt, Acting Chief Counsel