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Interpretation ID: aiam3094

Mr. R. M. Premo, Director, Vehicle Safety Activities, Sheller-Globe Corporation, 3555 St. Johns Road, Lima, OH 45804; Mr. R. M. Premo
Vehicle Safety Activities
Sheller-Globe Corporation
3555 St. Johns Road
OH 45804;

Dear Mr. Premo: This responds to your August 27, 1979, letter asking how the agenc tests a floor joint for compliance with Standard No. 221, *School Bus Body Joint Strength*. You enclosed a sketch and sample floor joint with your letter and asked in which direction the forces would be applied for test purposes. You suggested that the forces be applied in a perpendicular direction to the floor.; The floor joint that you manufacture is welded in three locations. On weld is located on top of the floor surface and joins the two panels together. The agency concludes that this joint should be tested by applying force in a direction that is parallel to the floor surface, not perpendicular to it. This is the procedure that is specified in section S6 of the standard for testing joints that are constructed in a manner similar to the floor joint in your vehicle.; Sincerely, Frank Berndt, Chief Counsel