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Interpretation ID: aiam3167

Mr. John F. Croonquist, President, Alternative Automotive, Inc., 999 N. Pacific Street, 33-D, Oceanside, CA 92054; Mr. John F. Croonquist
Alternative Automotive
999 N. Pacific Street
CA 92054;

Dear Mr. Croonquist: This responds to your November 9, 1979, letter asking whether a vehicl that you plan to produce would be classified as a truck for purposes of applying the Federal motor vehicle safety standards.; In your letter, you state that your vehicle looks somewhat like a Jeep You state further that it is constructed on a Volkswagen truck chassis, carries two passengers, and is designed to transport property. As you know, the agency defines truck to be a vehicle that is designed primarily to transport property or speciality (sic) equipment. Since the vehicle that you plan to manufacture appears to be designed for the transportation of property and since it is constructed on a truck chassis, the agency concludes that it would be a truck for the purposes of applying the safety standards.; Sincerely, Frank Berndt, Chief Counsel