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Interpretation ID: aiam3417

Mr. M. S. Keshav, Manager (Research & Development), Bajaj Auto Limited, Akurdi, Poona - 411 035, India; Mr. M. S. Keshav
Manager (Research & Development)
Bajaj Auto Limited
Poona - 411 035

Dear Mr. Keshav: This is in reply to your letter of May 25, 1981 with regard to tur signal pilot indicators on motorcycles.; You noted that the front turn signal lamps are directly in front of th operator and are fully visible. You therefore believe that a separate pilot indicator is unnecessary. You are correct. Pursuant to SAE Standard J588e *Turn Signal Lamps*, September 1970, incorporated by reference into Standard No. 108, no separate pilot indicator is required for Turn Signal Lamps that are 'readily visible to the driver.'; You have also pointed out that the motorcycle controls and display standards, No. 123, 'does not indicate the provisions and locations of the Turn Signal Pilot Indicator.' That is correct. Standard No. 108 and J588e establish the requirements for this item of vehicle equipment. I enclose a copy for your information.; Sincerely, Frank Berndt, Chief Counsel