Interpretation ID: aiam3522
Phelon & Hagerty
One Financial Plaza
CT 06103;
Dear Mr. Hagarty: This responds to your recent letter asking whether Safety Standard No 301, *Fuel System Integrity*, includes specifications for *fixed* barrier rear-end crash test.; The answer to your question is no. Standard No. 301 specifies rear-end crash test, but the test involves a moving barrier, not a fixed barrier. On August 29, 1970, the agency did propose a fixed barrier rear-end crash test for Standard No. 301 (35 FR 13799). However, that proposal was never made final. Rather, On August 20, 1973, the agency issued another proposal which specified a moving barrier for the rear-end crash test (38 FR 22417). This proposal was finalized and is the rule which is in existence today. I am enclosing copies of these *Federal Register* notices for your information, as well as a copy of Standard No. 301.; I hope this has answered all your questions. Sincerely, Frank Berndt, Chief Counsel