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Interpretation ID: aiam3571

Mr. Jeff Wimer, P.O. Box 152, Auburn, IN 46706; Mr. Jeff Wimer
P.O. Box 152
IN 46706;

Dear Mr. Wimer: This responds to your phone request of June 11, 1982, concernin Federal motor vehicle safety standards that apply to motorcycle sidecars sold as aftermarket motor vehicle equipment.; While there are no 'sidecar' standards, certain of the items o equipment that may be found in sidecars are covered by Federal equipment safety standards. Specifically, brake hoses, lighting equipment, tires, rims, and glazing materials (if provided) would have to comply with Standards Nos. 106, 108, 119, 120 and 205. I have enclosed an information sheet explaining how you can obtain copies of the agency's safety standards.; Because a sidecar itself is an item of motor vehicle equipment, th manufacturer of any sidecar sold in the aftermarket would be responsible for notification and remedy in the event the product was determined to contain a safety-related defect.; If you have any further questions, please let me know. Sincerely, Frank Berndt, Chief Counsel