Interpretation ID: aiam3667
Vice President
Pan United Inc.
154 Hillwood Avenue
Falls Church
VA 22046;
Dear Mr. Mostaghim: This responds to your letter of March 4, 1983, asking whether there ar any Federal regulations applicable to an accessory component used to secure pets to vehicle seat belts. The component latches into the seat belt buckle and is then attached to the pet's collar or leash. Your company intends to import these accessories.; There are no Federal motor vehicle safety standards or regulation applicable to the product you describe. Therefore, as far as this agency is concerned, there are no responsibilities you must meet prior to importing this item (i.e., there are no testing or licensing requirements). You should, however, contact State authorities to determine if they have any licensing requirements or regulations that would be applicable to the sale of such a device.; You will have to contact private counsel to determine the produc liability implications and insurance needs of your enterprise.; Thank you for your inquiry. Sincerely, Frank Berndt, Chief Counsel