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Interpretation ID: aiam3703

Mr. Chuck Howard, President, Safety Alert Co., Inc., 1667 9th Street, Santa Monica, CA 90404; Mr. Chuck Howard
Safety Alert Co.
1667 9th Street
Santa Monica
CA 90404;

Dear Mr. Howard: We have received your petition for rulemaking of April 25, 1983, you letter of May 6 withdrawing it, and your letter of May 5 to Mr. Vinson of my staff asking for an interpretation. All this concerns the applicability of Standard No. 108 to your 'Vehicle Deceleration Warning System.'; As we understand it, this system was originally designed to provide flashing light through the back-up lamp system, in which yellow bulbs were used as substitutes for the white ones required by Standard No. 108. You were informally advised by agency staff that such a system would render the vehicle noncompliant with the requirement that a back-up lamp be white, and that it be steady burning in use.; You asked Mr. Vinson if there were another alternative for flashing re lights that would comply with Standard No. 108, and in your letter of the 6th, whether use of the hazard warning system was acceptable. You also inquired about retrofitting vehicles manufactured before hazard warning signals were required, so that your system would work through the rear turn signals.; In the context of Federal regulations an optional system such as your is acceptable as original equipment, or equipment added before initial sale of the vehicle, if it does not impair the effectiveness of lighting equipment required by Standard No. 108. In our view, it is permissible to use any rear lighting system Standard No. 108 allows to flash for signalling purposes. Thus, your system could operate through the rear hazard warning system, or the rear turn signal system (red or amber) as long as the color of light or photometrics required by the standard was not changed.; As an aftermarket device intended for installation on vehicles in use it must not render inoperative in whole or in part Federally- mandated lighting equipment. Subject to the restrictions noted above, your system would not violate this prohibition were it installed to work through the hazard warning or turn signal systems. However, since your system involves an aspect of performance not covered by Standard No. 108, each State may regulate its use as it sees fit.; Passenger cars built since January 1, 1969, have been required to hav hazard warning signal systems. Use of the turn signal system of a vehicle built before that date is not prohibited under Federal regulations but is also a matter to be determined by local law.; I hope that this is responsive to your questions. Sincerely, Frank Berndt, Chief Counsel