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Interpretation ID: aiam3997

Mr. Rawleigh G. Decker, 18018 134 Avenue, Sun City West, AZ 85375; Mr. Rawleigh G. Decker
18018 134 Avenue
Sun City West
AZ 85375;

Dear Mr. Decker: Thank you for your letter of July 23, 1985, to Secretary Dole, whic was referred to my office for reply. You expressed concern about conflicting state regulations on motor vehicle window tinting and asked about possible Federal regulations on this subject.; Congressman John McCain of Arizona has also recently written our agenc concerning conflicts in state tinting laws. I am enclosing a copy of the Administrator's letter of July 11, 1985, to Congressman McCain explaining what action the agency is taking on the subject of vehicle window tinting. I have also enclosed a (sic) information sheet which explains the Federal requirements on vehicle window tinting.; I hope this information is of assistance to you. If you have an further questions, please let me know.; Sincerely, Stephen P. Wood, Assistant Chief Counsel for Rulemaking