Interpretation ID: aiam4148
1155 W. Grolee St.
LA 70570;
Dear Mr. Lafleur: This is in reply to your letter of May 5, 1986, to our former Chie Counsel, Jeffrey Miller, asking about comparative costs of a center high-mounted stop lamp. You read that the cost of such a lamp was $4 to $7, but in fact it cost you $136.18, tax included, to have one installed on your 1984 Cadillac.; The figures of $4 to $7 represent the agency's conclusions as to th cost to a vehicle manufacturer to install the new lamp as standard equipment when its installation became mandatory for new vehicles. As the new requirement does not extend to aftermarket equipment such as the lamp you bought for your 1984 Cadillac, the agency's cost estimates should not be read as applying to it. Also, our estimate was for the 'average' vehicle. Costs will vary by manufacturer and by carline within a given manufacturers' (sic) fleet according to the particular design and placement chosen. In spite of your dissatisfaction over the cost you have nevertheless wisely equipped your car with a safety device which should lessen the likelihood of expensive rear end collisions and the injuries to passengers that can occur. We appreciate your interest in the lamp.; Sincerely, Erika Z. Jones, Chief Counsel