Interpretation ID: aiam4325
P. O. Box 41028
Republic of South Africa;
Dear Mr. de Langen: This replies to your letter to Wayne Vance of this Department. You hav asked for advice 'on how the existing standards and legislation regarding the color of motor vehicle lights can be amended', as you have developed a new accident reduction device. I regret the delay in this response.; In the United States, Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 108 *Lamps, Reflective Devices, and Associated Equipment*, establishes requirements for lighting devices that required as original equipment on motor vehicles, and for those that are intended to replace them. These are basic lighting equipment items such as headlamps, taillamps, and the new center high-mounted stop lamp, to name only a few. The standard does not cover certain types of lamps that are usually provided as optional equipment (e.g., fog lamps) because there is no demonstrated need for them on a universal basis in the United States. If you wish to have your device considered as a mandatory item of motor vehicle equipment, or if you which to change the color of a required lighting item, you may petition the agency for rulemaking to change Standard No. 108. I enclose(sic) a copy of our regulation on petition procedures, 49 CFR Part 552.; Since your letter does not describe your device in any detail, I canno say how the current standard would apply to it. If your particular device is not expressly covered by the standard and if you wish to offer your device as an optional item that a manufacturer could install as original equipment, then your device is subject only to the general requirement in paragraph S4.1.3 of the standard that the installation of the device on a new vehicle not impair the effectiveness of the lighting equipment that the standard requires. Regardless of whether your device is subject to any specific requirements in the standard, its installation on a new or used vehicle must not render inoperative in whole or in part any lighting item installed as original equipment under the standard. S108(a)(2)(A) of the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act. Further, if you wish to offer the device in the aftermarket and available for both new and used vehicles, it will be subject to the laws of the individual States in which it will be sold and used.; These are the general rule that apply to the situation you outlined i your letter. We would be pleased to answer any further specific questions you may have.; Sincerely, Erika Z. Jones, Chief Counsel