Interpretation ID: aiam4764
Inc. 155 Algonquin Parkway Whippany
NJ 07981;
Dear Mr. Waltz: This is in reply to your letter of April 12, l990 stating that Wagner Division 'would like to petition N.H.T.S.A. for a 'Determination of Inconsequentiality' for non-compliance.' Specifically, Wagner wishes to manufacture round sealed beam headlamps (not 'bulbs' as you call it) for Lectric Limited, a small parts business geared towards the antique automobile hobby. The headlamps are intended for use on 'antique automobiles'. We understand that term to mean any automobile manufactured in l940 and subsequent model years that was originally equipped with round sealed beam headlamps. Although the headlamps would be designed to conform to current specifications, those of SAE Standard J579c, the word 'top' would be used on the 7-inch diameter headlamp instead of the designation '2CI' (you mean '2D1'), the numeral '1' for '1C1' on the single beam 5 3/4-inch diameter headlamp, and the numeral '2' for '2C1' on the dual beam 5 3/4-inch diameter headlamp. The lamps would not bear 'DOT' identification. Lectric Limited is willing to 'ink stamp' DOT, 2Dl, 1C1, and 2C1 'on either the face and or the rear' of each headlamp so that they would not be mistaken for those conforming to SAE J579a, and to print instructions for purchasers explaining the difference. Lectric Limited is also willing to insure that the headlamps are marketed only through antique auto specialty retailers. First, let me explain that your request cannot be considered as one for a determination of inconsequentiality. These determinations are made after-the-fact in order to determine whether a manufacturer must fulfill statutory obligations which include replacement, repurchase, or repair of the already-manufactured noncompliant product. What you seek is permission to produce motor vehicle equipment that fails to comply with labeling requirements. Unfortunately, the agency has no exemption provisions which can address this issue. We have authority to exempt manufacturers of motor vehicles from compliance for a temporary period, but we have no authority to exempt manufacturers of motor vehicle equipment, on either a temporary or permanent basis. Further, we cannot waive the marking requirements of sections S7.2 and S7.3 of Standard No. 108, even for the limited purpose and subject to the restrictions you discuss. After due consideration of the matter, we believe that you have no choice other than to conform to the marking requirements of Standard No. 108. Although neither the marking nor the performance of J579c headlamps replicates that of J579a headlamps, I hope that auto enthusiasts will be willing to accept the marking that goes with the improved performance. Sincerely, Paul Jackson Rice Chief Counsel;