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Search Interpretations

Interpretation ID: nht72-4.12

DATE: 03/02/72


TO: Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.


TEXT: This is in reply to your letter of February 11, 1972, in which you requested our interpretation as to how seats with varying numbers of adjustment positions are to be adjusted to the position "midway between the forwardmost and rear most position," as specified in S8.1.2 of Standard 208.

The intent of the "midway" provision in S8.1.2 is that the seat must be placed as nearly as possible at the midpoint of its fore and aft travel. Since the standard also provides that the seat is in an adjustment position -- a notch -- there is a possibility that there will not be a notch at the exact center of the range. In such cases, the seat is placed in the notch nearest the midpoint of the seat's travel. In your case A, if the notches are evenly spaced, the middle notch would probably be the nearest to the midpoint and would therefore be used. In your case B, if the two middle notches are not equidistant from the midpoint, the nearest notch would be used. If they are equidistant, the rearmost notch would be used. It is not necessary to make a special notch.