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Interpretation ID: nht89-3.54


DATE: 12/13/89





TEXT: My company manufactures lighting products for the recreational vehicle industry and we are in need of an interpretation of the rules in FMVSS 108 concerning the use of reflex reflectors on the rear of vehicles. I can find in this standard where two (2) red reflex reflectors are required on the rear of a vehicle (Tables I, II, III, IV) but I cannot find anything in the standard that would prohibit the use of any other color reflectors that could be used in addition to the red reflectors.

Specifically, we manufacture a red taillight lens that has a reflex reflector area around the outer edge of the lens. The stop, turn and tail, as well as the reflex functions all exceed the minimum requirements for these functions.

One of our customers has asked us to mold this same lens in yellow so that it could be used for the turn signal function. It would be mounted side by side with the red unit which would now be used for only stop and tail functions. The problem now arise s where both the yellow and red lens would be visable to traffic approaching from the rear. I checked with a local State Police Post here in Michigan, and they were able to find a section in the State Code that clearly states that reflectors mounted on the rear of a vehicle shall reflect a red color (I am enclosing a copy of this section for your reference). As I stated in my opening paragraph, I cannot find an equivalent ruling in the National standard. I am hoping that your office may have already addressed this problem in the past and that a ruling is already in effect.

My questions are two-fold: First, is it legal to put any other color reflector on the rear of a vehicle as long as the red reflectors are also present? Secondly, if in fact this situation is illegal (which I believe it probably is), could the National st andard be amended to show this fact and eliminate future confusion? Whichever way is correct, I would like to request a written statement to that effect as well as any supporting documentation for the ruling.

I am looking forward to hearing from you as soon as possible so that we can clear this matter up once and for all. Thank you.


(d) On every trailer or semitrailer having a gross weight in excess of 3,000 pounds:

On the front, 2 clearance lamps, 1 at each side.

On each side, 2 side marker lamps, 1 at or near the front and 1 at or near the rear.

On each side, 2 reflectors, 1 at or near the front and 1 at or near the rear.

On the rear, 2 clearance lamps, 1 at each side, also 2 reflectos, 1 at each side, and 1 stop light.

(e) On every poletrailer:

On each side, 1 side marker lamp and 1 clearance lamp which may be in combination, to show to the front, side or rear.

On the rear of the poletrailer or load, 2 reflectors, 1 on each side.

(f) On every trailer or semitrailer weighing 3,000 pounds gross or less:

On the rear, 2 reflectors, 1 on each side if any trailer or semitrailer is so loaded or is of such dimensions as to obscure the stop light on the towing vehicle, then such vehicle shall (Illegible Words) with 1 stop light

(g) When operated on the highway, every vehicle which has a maximum potential speed of 25 miles an hour implement of husbandry, farm tractor or special mobile equipment shall be identified with a reflective device as follows:

An equilateral triangle in shape, at least 16 inches wide at the base and at least 14 inches in height, with a dark red border, at least 1 3/4 inches wide of highly reflective beaded material;

A center triangle, at least 12 1/4 inches on each side of yellow orange fluorescent materials.

The device shall be mounted on the rear of the vehicle, broad base down, not less than 3 feet not more than 5 feet above the ground and as near the center of the vehicle as possible. The use of this reflective device is restricted to use on slow movi ng vehicles specified in this section, and use of such reflective device on any other type of vehicle or stationary object on the highway is prohibited.

On the rear, at each side, red reflectors or reflectorized material visible from all distances within 500 to 50 feet to the rear when directly in front of lawful upper beams of headlamps.

Am. 1988, Act 383.

CI 257.689 Clearance and marker lamps and reflectors; color. [MSA 9.2389]

Sec. 689. (a) Front clearance lamps and those marker lamps and reflectors mounted on the front or on the side near the front of a vehicle shall display or reflect an amber color.

(b) Rear clearance lamps and those marker lamps and reflectors mounted on the rear or on the sides near the rear of a vehicle shall display or reflect a red color.

(c) All lighting devices and reflectors mounted on the rear of any vehicle shall display or reflect a red color, except the stop light or other signal device, which may be red or amber, and except that the light illuminating the license plate-shall be white.

CI 257.690 Same; mounting [MSA 9.2390]

Sec. 690. (1) Reflectors shall be mounted at a height not less than 15 inches and not higher than 60 inches above the ground on which the vehicle stands, except that if the highest part of the permanent structure of the vehicle is less than 15 inches , the reflector at such point shall be mounted as high as that part of the permanent structure will permit.

(2) The rear reflectors on a pole-trailer may be mounted on each side of the bolster or load.

(3) Any required red reflector on the rear of a vehicle may be incorporated with the tail lamp, but such reflector shall meet all the other reflector requirements of this chapter.

(4) Clearance lamps shall be mounted on the permanent structure of the vehicle in such a manner as to indicate its extreme width and as near the top thereof as practicable. Clearance lamps and side marker lamps may be mounted in combination if illumi nation is given as required herein with reference to both.

Am. 1988, Act 383.

CI 257.691 Same; visibility. [MSA 9.2391]

Sec. 691. (a) Every reflector upon any vehicle referred to in section 689 of this chapter shall be of such size and characteristics and so maintained as to be readily visible at nighttime from all distances within 500 to 50 feet from the vehicle when directly in front of lawful upper beams of headlamps. Reflectors required to be mounted on the sides of the vehicle shall reflect the required color of light to the sides, and those mounted on the rear shall reflect a red color to the rear.

(b) Front and rear clearance lamps shall be capable of being seen and distinguished under normal atmospheric conditions at the times lights are required at a distance of 500 feet from the front and rear, respectively, of the vehicle.

(c) Side marker lamps shall be capable of being seen and distinguished under normal atmospheric conditions at the times lights are required at a distance of 500 feet from the side of the vehicle on which mounted.

CI 257.692 Combination vehicles obstructed lights. [MSA 9.2392]

Sec. 692. Whenever motor and other vehicles are operated in combination during the time that lights are required, any lamp (except tail lamps) need not be lighted which, by reason of its location on a vehicle of the combination, would be obscured by another vehicle of the combination, but this shall not affect the requirement that lighted clearance lamps be displayed on the front of the foremost vehicle required to have clearance lamps, nor that all lights required on the rear of the rearmost vehicl e of any combination shall be lighted.