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Interpretation ID: aiam2800

Mr. Philip P. Friedlander, Jr., National Tire Dealers & Retreaders Association, Inc., 1343 L. Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20005; Mr. Philip P. Friedlander
National Tire Dealers & Retreaders Association
1343 L. Street
DC 20005;

Dear Mr. Friedlander: This responds to your February 23, 1978, letter asking whether th National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's (NHTSA) interpretation concerning the registration of passenger car tires can be applied to the registration of truck tires. In that interpretation, the NHTSA stated that it was permissible for a tire dealer to allow the tire purchaser to fill out the tire registration form and hand it back to the dealer.; The NHTSA's interpretation is applicable to both truck and passenge car tires. A truck tire dealer may permit a purchaser to fill out the required information rather than completing the registration form himself. However, this all must occur at the point of sale of the tire. The registration forms for both passenger car tires and truck tires are not permitted to be taken home or shipped with the tires to be completed by the purchaser and subsequently returned or mailed to the dealer. This would impair the benefit of mandatory tire registration and make it a voluntary program. This is not the intent of the regulation, and the NHTSA would not consider such a registration program to be in compliance with the tire registration regulation.; Sincerely, Joseph J. Levin, Jr., Chief Counsel