Detailing the Factors Behind Traffic Fatalities on our Roads
FARS is a nationwide census providing NHTSA, Congress and the American public yearly data regarding fatal injuries suffered in motor vehicle traffic crashes.
How to Access FARS Data
Create your own fatality data run online by using the FARS Query System. Or download all FARS data from 1975 to present from the FTP Site.
- Run a Query Using the FARS Web-Based Encyclopedia
- 2010 FARS/NASS GES Standardization -- Posted 12/8/2011
- FARS and GES Auxiliary Datasets Q & A -- Posted 9/9/2010 These files will complement the standard FARS and GES files by providing new variables that have been derived from all the commonly used NCSA analytical data classifications (e.g. speeding related, race and ethnicity, etc).
- FARS Manuals and Documentation
- Download Raw Data From FTP Site
- Trucks in Fatal Accidents (TIFA) and Buses in Fatal Accidents (BIFA) The TIFA database contain records for all the medium and heavy trucks that were involved in fatal traffic crashes in the 50 states and District of Columbia. The BIFA database was similarly created for buses in fatal crashes.