Interpretation ID: 3270yy
Davenport Enterprises
301 Almeria Ave., Suite 1
Coral Gables, FL 33134
Dear Mr. Llama:
This responds to your letter of December 13, l99l, with respect to the permissibility of temporarily importing a Fiat from Brazil that is not in conformance with the Federal motor vehicle safety standards. The purpose of the importation is to design and build an air conditioning system for the car. Upon completion of this work, the Fiat will be exported.
You have enclosed a copy of my letter of August 2, 1990, granting permission for the importation of a van manufactured in the Soviet Union for which you had been asked to design an air conditioning system. In that letter, I informed you that it would be appropriate for you to enter the van pursuant to 49 CFR section 591.5(j), under the declaration that the vehicle is being imported solely for the purpose of research, investigations, and studies or demonstrations. Under the circumstances outlined in your letter, we believe that it would be appropriate for you to enter the Brazilian Fiat as well under section 591.5(j).
If you have any further questions, we shall be happy to answer them.
Paul Jackson Rice Chief Counsel
/ref:59l d:l/3/92