Interpretation ID: nht68-1.24
DATE: 05/09/68
TO: Counihan, Casey and Loomis
TEXT: Thank you for your letter of March 4, 1968, to Mr. Edwin L. Slagle, concerning Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 205.
Standard No. 205 requires that glazing materials manufactured for use in passenger cars, multipurpose passenger cars, multipurpose passenger vehicles, trucks, buses, and motorcycles for sale in the United States on or after January 1, 1968, meet the requirements of ASA standard 226.1966. In addition, passenger cars, multipurpose passenger vehicles, trucks, buses, and motorcycles manufactured on or after January 1, 1968, for sale in the United States, must contain glazing materials that meet the requirements of ASA Standard 226.1-1966.
The following information is offered in answer to your qeustions:
Q. "We would appreciate your advice as to whether under Section (sic) 205, our members may install windshields manufactured prior to January 1, 1968, and containing a plastic interlayer of 0.015" subsequent to January 1, 1968?"
A. Yes, preformed or presized windshields manufactured prior to January 1, 1968, of 0.015 plastic interlayer may be used as replacement glass in used vehicles after January 1, 1968.
Q. "We would also appreciate your advice as to whether the fact that a glass dealer cuts a windshield to size from material manufactured prior to January 1, 1968, would alter your answer to our first question."
A. A dealer who cuts a windshield to size is considered a manufacturer, hence after January 1, 1968, 0.015 plastic interlayer
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