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Search Interpretations

Interpretation ID: nht71-5.41

DATE: 12/27/71


TO: Nissan Motor Company, Ltd.


TEXT: By letter of December 6, 1971, you have asked our opinion as to how S6.1 of Standard 208 applies to two hypothetical situations. S6.1 requires that "all portions of the test device shall be contained within the outer surfaces of the passenger compartment throughout the test."

Your first situation involves a vehicle in which the impact of the dummy's head causes the windshield to bulge beyond its original location but does not penetrate the windshield. It is our opinion that in this case the vehicle has contained the occupant and would conform to S6.1.

In your second situation, the dummy's head pushes the windshield loose its base and opens a gap between the windshield and the vehicle. It is our opinion that this drawing also shows the dummy to be satisfactorily contained.

In either situation, however, a manufacturer would have to assure himself that the windshield behaviour shown in the drawings would be consistent and would not lead to failure in tests in which the test dummy strikes it in a different manner.


December 6, 1971

Lawrence R. Schneider Chief Counsel National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

Re: Interpretation of MVSS 208

If possible, could you give us your opinions on the following two cases, we would like to know whether such cases meet MVSS 208, S.6.1.:

After frontal barrier crash test, the head of the anthroponorphic test device is contained within the outer surface of the windshield glass, which, (case 1.) was deformed as shown in Fig. 1. (case 2.) was remved in part as shown in Fig. 2. by the head impact on the windshield glass. Although the test devices' head is out of the original outer surface of the vehicle passenger compartment.

Your kind cooperation and assistance in this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Satoshi Nishibori Engineering Representative Liaison Office In U.S.A.


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