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Behaviors and Attitudes


NHTSA studies behaviors and attitudes in highway safety, focusing on drivers, passengers, pedestrians, and motorcyclists. We identify and measure behaviors involved in crashes or associated with injuries, and develop and refine countermeasures to deter unsafe behaviors and promote safe alternatives.

Our recently published reports and research notes are listed chronologically below. To the right are additional resources including Traffic Techs.

215 Results
 search results table

Alcohol and Highway Safety: Screening and Brief Intervention for Alcohol Problems as a Community Approach to Improving Traffic Safety

This report provides an overview of the use of Screening and Brief Intervention (SBI) as a countermeasure for those who have displayed, or could potentially display, harmful/hazardous drinking behaviors, including drinking and driving.

Characterizing Local EMS Systems

Although some information exists about the organization, financing, and delivery of EMS in the Nation's 200 largest cities, there is less information available about how services are organized outside large urban areas, in which 75 percent of the nation's population resides. There is little evidence to support alternative system designs and configurations in terms of their impact on the effectiveness and efficiency of service delivery. To this end, there is a need to document the variation in system configurations so they may be evaluated on a common basis.

High-Visibility Enforcement on Driver Compliance With Pedestrian Right-of-Way Laws

Gainesville, Florida increases pedestrian safety by implementing year-long program. This study developed and evaluated strategies to increase driver yielding to pedestrians on a citywide basis using high-visibility pedestrian right-of-way enforcement. The Gainesville Police Department took the lead for the city and became a full partner in project development and research.

Identifying Countermeasure Strategies to Increase Safety of Older Pedestrians

The objective of this project was to identify appropriate countermeasures that will reduce older pedestrians' exposure to injuries and fatal crashes. This involved exploring countermeasures within the area of transportation as well as in other fields such as public health and education with the intention of identifying strategies that can be implemented to increase older pedestrian safety.

Click It or Ticket Evaluation, 2008-2009

Statewide usage rates increased in 33 States (District of Columbia and Puerto Rico included) in 2008 and increased in 29 in 2009. The number of States increasing statewide belt use has decreased over time and the amount of annual increase was less than 1 percentage point for three of the last four years. It seems likely that more needs to be done to keep or extend gains made in seat belt awareness and belt use.