EWR News
NHTSA's Office of Defects Investigation (ODI) Launches a New Early Warning Reporting (EWR) Manufacturer Portal
The new Manufacturer Portal, launched in June, is the central site for manufacturers to submit aggregate data (including production, property damage, warranty claims and dealer field report counts), Non-Dealer Field Reports, Death and Injury Data, responses to Death and Injury Inquiries (DIs), responses to Comprehensive Inquires (CIs), and annual Substantially Similar Vehicles reports.
What are the benefits of the new Manufacturer Portal?
The new portal is intended to simplify and enhance the process by which manufacturers submit Early Warning Reporting (EWR) information to NHTSA as required by the Transportation Recall Enhancement, Accountability, and Documentation (TREAD) Act codified at 49 CFR Part 579. The Manufacturer Portal allows manufacturers to:
- Upload files directly to the NHTSA Trends Analysis Division (TAD) of ODI via a secure web portal, thereby eliminating the need for paper, email, disk and secure file transfer;
- View historical submissions from the dashboard;
- View the status of submissions (accepted, rejected, or in-process); and
- Respond directly to inquiries, including uploading attachments through the portal.
What is changing?
- Manufacturers will be required, with limited exceptions, to upload all submissions and inquiry responses related to TREAD/EWR via the Manufacturer Portal.
- The Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) servers used today for TREAD/EWR submissions will be decommissioned.
- Aggregate data will no longer be accepted in Excel format. Manufacturers will be required to submit data in XML format. An Excel to XML converter tool will be available on the EWR Portal to assist manufacturers.
- Submissions are to be completed by manufacturers and will no longer be uploaded by TAD or the EWR Helpdesk.
- The EWR account management services provided on https://www-odi.nhtsa.dot.gov/ewr/login.cfm will be discontinued.
- The data entry applications on https://www-odi.nhtsa.dot.gov/ewr/login.cfm will no longer accept Equipment and Low Volume Vehicle Death and Injury submissions.
What is staying the same?
- The EWR reporting requirements for regulation 49 CFR Part 579 are still applicable, and there are no changes to data-reporting requirements or reporting frequency.
- Existing primary and secondary EWR accounts will be moved to the new EWR Portal.
- Manufacturers will be able to access historical submission information within the Manufacturer Portal.
- The EWR Helpdesk will still be available for questions and issues at mfrewrhelpdesk@dot.gov.
EWR Submission Window Information
Last Updated: February 26, 2018
The following table lists the EWR submission time periods for Aggregate data, Death and Injury data, Field Reports, and Substantially Similar Vehicles for the last quarter of 2017 and all quarters for 2018.
Year | Quarter | Report Type | Begin Date | End Date | Days |
2017 | 4 | Aggregate | 1/1/2018 | 3/2/2018 | 60 |
Death and Injury | 1/1/2018 | 3/2/2018 | 60 | ||
Field Reports | 1/1/2018 | 3/19/2018 | 77 | ||
Substantially Similar Vehicles | 8/1/2017 | 11/1/2017 | 92 | ||
2018 | 1 | Aggregate | 4/1/2018 | 5/31/2018 | 60 |
Death and Injury | 4/1/2018 | 5/31/2018 | 60 | ||
Field Reports | 4/1/2018 | 6/15/2018 | 75 | ||
2018 | 2 | Aggregate | 7/1/2018 | 8/31/2018 | 61 |
Death and Injury | 7/1/2018 | 8/31/2018 | 61 | ||
Field Reports | 7/1/2018 | 9/14/2018 | 75 | ||
2018 | 3 | Aggregate | 10/1/2018 | 11/30/2018 | 60 |
Death and Injury | 10/1/2018 | 11/30/2018 | 60 | ||
Field Reports | 10/1/2018 | 12/17/2018 | 77 | ||
Substantially Similar Vehicles | 8/1/2018 | 11/1/2018 | 92 | ||
2018 | 4 | Aggregate | 1/1/2019 | 3/4/2019 | 62 |
Death and Injury | 1/1/2019 | 3/4/2019 | 62 | ||
Field Reports | 1/1/2019 | 3/18/2019 | 76 | ||
Substantially Similar Vehicles | 8/1/2018 | 11/1/2018 | 92 | ||
Upcoming changes to Light Vehicles and Buses, Medium & Heavy Vehicles data submittals - Updated
December 19, 2014
Beginning with submissions of 2015 Quarter 1 (January 1, 2015 - March 31, 2015) data, new Excel templates / XML schemas and instances will be used for data submittals. The Version 2.0 files can be downloaded from the supplementary table on the corresponding pages to allow for setting up your processing to accommodate the new requirements.
Submissions using the new templates and schemas will NOT be accepted prior to April 1, 2015. After April 1, 2015 only revisions to submissions prior to that date will be accepted using the old templates and schemas.
New Microsoft Excel Templates for Excel 2007 and 2010
April 20, 2012
EWR submissions for Aggregate data, Death and Injury data, and Substantially Similar Vehicles can now be submitted using the newer .xlsx format in addition to the .xls format. The templates can be found in the Excel Templates section.
- BMHVehicles.xlsx
- BMHVehiclesDI.xlsx
- ChildRestraints.xlsx
- ChildRestraintsDI.xlsx
- EquipmentDI.xlsx
- LightVehicles.xlsx
- LightVehiclesDI.xlsx
- LowVolumeVehiclesDI.xlsx
- MotorCycles.xlsx
- MotorCyclesDI.xlsx
- SubstantiallySimilar.xlsx
- Tires.xlsx
- TiresDI.xlsx
- Trailers.xlsx
- TrailersDI.xlsx
Field Report submission can now include Microsoft Word .docx format.
April 20, 2012
EWR submissions for Field Reports data can now include the newer .docx format in addition to the .doc format.
EWR SFTP Servers Changes
December 21, 2011
As part of the Early Warning Reporting (EWR) environment update, the SFTP servers were replaced with a new set of servers. This necessitates manufacturers to verify the NHTSA SFTP servers by accepting the new remote host key once for each SFTP server.
Using Winscp the manufacturers may see a message similar to one below to verify the new SFTP servers' host key. This would be only one time activity and the Manufacturers shall not see any changes with the functionality of the SFTP servers.

NOTE: No changes were made to the SFTP Server Doman Name Server (DNS) Addresses. Manufacturers may still access the Data and Field Report Servers at the following server addresses:
Artemis System Move
May 31, 2007
The Artemis system will be physically relocated during the period of June 8th - June 10th 2007 and will not be offering the following functionality:
- EWR manufacturers' account management (password resets and updates)
- Web based EWR submissions
- SFTP server based EWR submissions
The Artemis system is expected to be fully functional starting Monday June 11th, 2007.
The HOSTNAME for the SFTP servers for both aggregate and field report submissions will not change.
Data Type | SFTP Server Hostname
The SFTP servers’ IP addresses, however, will change.
Therefore, do not use the IP address. Only use the HOSTNAMES above.
The EWR HelpDesk can be reached at:
Telephone Number: (202) 366-3348
E-mail address: mfrewrhelpdesk@nhtsa.dot.gov
Fax: (202) 366-7882
Microsoft Excel Templates - Updated Digital Signatures
August 16, 2006
The macros contained in the following EWR Excel templates are signed using a digital certificate from Verisign®. This certificate expires in early August of year 2006. The templates have been re-signed with a new digital certificate that does not expire until August 2009.
- BMHVehicles.xls
- BMHVehiclesDI.xls
- ChildRestraints.xls
- ChildRestraintsDI.xls
- EquipmentDI.xls
- LightVehicles.xls
- LightVehiclesDI.xls
- LowVolumeVehiclesDI.xls
- MotorCycles.xls
- MotorCyclesDI.xls
- SubstantiallySimilar.xls
- Tires.xls
- TiresDI.xls
- Trailers.xls
- TrailersDI.xls
Microsoft Excel Templates - Updated Digital Signatures
August 02, 2005
The macros contained in the following EWR Excel templates are signed using a digital certificate from Verisign. This certificate expires in early August of year 2005. The templates have been re-signed with a new digital certificate that does not expire until August 2006.
- BMHVehicles.xls
- BMHVehiclesDI.xls
- ChildRestraints.xls
- ChildRestraintsDI.xls
- EquipmentDI.xls
- LightVehicles.xls
- LightVehiclesDI.xls
- LowVolumeVehiclesDI.xls
- MotorCycles.xls
- MotorCyclesDI.xls
- SubstantiallySimilar.xls
- Tires.xls
- TiresDI.xls
- Trailers.xls
- TrailersDI.xls
EWR Submission Window Information
February 11, 2005
A table has been added that lists the EWR submission windows for Aggregate, Death and Injury, Field Reports and Substantially Similar vehicles.
EWR Manufacturer Account Application
February 11, 2005
Updated versions of the EWR Manufacturer Account Applications have been added that manufacturers must download, fill out, and send to NHTSA/ODI via FAX (202)366-7882 or e-mail (odi.ewr@dot.gov). One version of the EWR Manufacturer Account Application is in Microsoft Word format and the other is in Adobe® Portable Document Format (PDF). Directions for filling out the application are included with the application.
Updated Manufacturer's EWR Help Desk Information
October 15, 2004
The phone and fax numbers, and the e-mail address for the Manufacturer's EWR Help Desk has changed to the following:
Phone Number: (202)366-3348
Fax Number: (202)366-7882
E-mail Address: mfrewrhelpdesk@nhtsa.dot.gov
The NHTSA/ODI Compendiums, the EWR FAQ, and the e-mail notification messages have been updated to reflect these changes.
Microsoft Excel Templates - Updated Digital Signatures
August 18, 2004
The macros contained in the following EWR Excel templates are signed using a digital certificate from Verisign. This certificate expires in early August of this year. The templates have been re-signed with a new digital certificate that does not expire until August 2005.
- BMHVehicles.xls
- BMHVehiclesDI.xls
- ChildRestraints.xls
- ChildRestraintsDI.xls
- EquipmentDI.xls
- LightVehicles.xls
- LightVehiclesDI.xls
- LowVolumeVehiclesDI.xls
- MotorCycles.xls
- MotorCyclesDI.xls
- SubstantiallySimilar.xls
- Tires.xls
- TiresDI.xls
- Trailers.xls
- TrailersDI.xls
Revised Field Report Submission
June 24, 2004
Revised Field Report Submission document published on June 24, 2004. Please consult this document before submitting your Field Reports.
Field Report files must be submitted to the dedicated Field Report SFTP server (ARTFRSFTP.VOLPE.DOT.GOV).
One Time Historical Data
October 27, 2003
One time historical data is due January 15, 2004 and covers the period between July 1, 2000 and June 30, 2003.
September 30, 2003
Early Warning Reporting Applications
The following Early Warning Reporting applications are now available:
- Account Management enables you to change your EWR password. You must change your password when you first log in. After that, you must change your password every 90 days.
- Equipment Manufacturer is a data entry application that enables equipment manufacturers with valid EWR accounts to enter, validate, and submit a maximum of 250 EWR Death and Injury records.
- Low Volume Manufacturer is a data entry application that enables manufacturers of low volume vehicles with valid EWR accounts to enter, validate, and submit a maximum of 250 EWR Death and Injury records.
Updated XML Schema
The following schema have been updated:
- TiresDI.xsd schema
- Tires.xsd
Updated XML Instances
The Tires.xml instance has been updated.
Updated Microsoft Excel Templates
The Tires.xls template has been updated.
Compendium Update
September 18, 2003
The Compendium for Early Warning Reporting for Manufacturers of Motor Vehicle Equipment has been updated to Version 2.00.
September 12, 2003
Updated versions of the following were published on September 12, 2003:
XML Schema
- BusesAndMediumHeavyVehiclesDI.xsd
- LightVehicles.xsd
- LightVehiclesDI.xsd
- LowVolumeVehiclesDI.xsd
- MotorCyclesDI.xsd
- TiresDI.xsd
- Tires.xsd
- TrailersDI.xsd
- XML Instance
- Tires.xml
- Microsoft® Excel Template
- Tires.xls
The compendium documents have been updated to version 2.0.
New Templates
August 11, 2003
In response to the publication of 49 CFR Part 579, Notice 5 and 6, NHTSA has made a new set of templates available in addition to other guidance documents. Refer to the Early Warning Reporting Downloads and Early Warning Reporting Documents sections for more information.
Copies of non-dealer field reports are due July 1, 2004 and covers the period January 1, 2004 through March 31, 2004.