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Interpretation ID: 77-1.34


DATE: 03/01/77 EST


TO: Chrysler Corporation


TEXT: This is in response to your letter of March 1, 1977, requesting that the period for submission of comments to the Federal Register notice proposing rules for determining the manufacturer of multistage automobiles (42 FR 9040; February 14, 1977) be extended for at least forty-five days. The comment closing date established in the notice is March 9, 1977.

According to 49 CFR Part 553.19, petitions to extend the period for comments must be received by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration not later than 10 days before the expiration of the comment period specified in the notice. Since Chrysler's petition was received on March 2, only 7 days before the comment closing date specified in the notice, it was not a timely submission.

The agency wishes to emphasize the importance of issuing without delay the rules governing the identity of the manufacturer of multistage automobiles for purposes of Title V of the Motor Vehicle Information and Cost Savings Act (15 U.S.C. 2001 et seq.). The final rule establishing fuel economy standards applicable to nonpassenger automobiles manufactured in model year 1979 should be issued in the immediate future. It is essential that the individual responsible for complying with those standards be clearly specified.

A meeting with Chrysler representatives has been scheduled for Friday, March 11, 1977, at Chrylser's request. The agency will be pleased to discuss any issues involved in the NPRM. However, it must be pointed out that analysis of comments and action on the NPRM will continue without delay after the comment closing date. As stated in the notice, comments field after the closing date will, to the extent possible, be considered.



March 1, 1977

The Honorable John W. Snow Administrator National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

Subject: Docket FE 77-02; Notice 1

This letter is in regards to your NPRM of February 14, 1977 concerning Multistage Automobile Fuel Economy Regulations published in the Federal Register as Notice 1 of Docket FE 77-02.

Upon reviewing this notice, we have determined that this regulation could have broad implications regarding our ability to manufacture and market our future incomplete vehicles. It also would have an impact on the manner by which we certify and label incomplete light-duty trucks for emissions and fuel economy purposes and possibly presents some timing requirements that cannot be achieved by Chrysler.

We, therefore, request that a meeting be held at NHTSA to discuss this NPRM further and that the comment closing date be extended for at least forty-five days.

Michael W. Grike Office of the General Attorney