Interpretation ID: aiam3630
P.O. Box 7848
TX 75607;
Dear Mr. Wright: This responds to your letter of October 11, 1982, concernin regulations specifying the type of steering system required in vehicles. In particular, you asked if a mechanical link is required in the steering system or whether a hydraulic system is acceptable. As explained below, a manufacturer can use either a mechanical or hydraulic system to meet the requirements of the applicable Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards.; There are two Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards that apply t vehicle steering systems: Standard No. 203, *Impact Protection for the Driver Steering Control System*, and Standard No. 204, *Steering Column Rearward Displacement*. Both standards, copies of which are enclosed, establish performance requirements to protect the driver from steering column-related injuries in a crash. Any type of steering system, either mechanical or hydraulic, can be used as long as it meets the applicable requirements of those standards.; If you have any further questions please let me know. Sincerely, Frank Berndt, Chief Counsel