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Interpretation ID: aiam5567

J. Gregory Studemeyer, Esq. 1804 Bull Street Post Office Box 12201 Columbia, SC 29211-2201; J. Gregory Studemeyer
Esq. 1804 Bull Street Post Office Box 12201 Columbia
SC 29211-2201;

Dear Mr. Studemeyer: This responds to your letter of January 5, 1995 to this agency and your telephone conversation with Walter Myers of my staff on June 12, 1995, regarding the school bus standards we administer. You asked whether 'your agency or any other federal agency notifies educational institutions of these school bus requirements.' The answer is no. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) does not maintain data on all schools or school districts throughout the nation, and does not routinely communicate with individual schools or school districts. The agency does, however, attend and disseminate information at school bus meetings and conferences nationwide and publishes all changes in school bus requirements in the Federal Register. In addition, NHTSA works closely and frequently with state directors of pupil transportation with regard to school transportation matters. In South Carolina, that official is the Director, Office of Transportation, Department of Education, 1429 Senate Street, Room 512, Columbia, SC 29201. Their telephone number is (803) 734- 8244, and their fax number is (803) 734-8624. Also for your information please find enclosed a fact sheet prepared by this office summarizing Federal school bus safety requirements. If you have any further questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact Walter Myers of my staff at this address or at (202) 366-2992. Sincerely, John Womack Acting Chief Counsel Enclosure;