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Interpretation ID: aiam1656

Mr. Gorou Utsunomiya, Liaison Engineer in U.S.A., Toyo Kogyo Detroit Office, 3841 Mystic Valley Drive, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48013; Mr. Gorou Utsunomiya
Liaison Engineer in U.S.A.
Toyo Kogyo Detroit Office
3841 Mystic Valley Drive
Bloomfield Hills
MI 48013;

Dear Mr. Utsunomiya: This is in acknowledgment of your Defect Information Report, i accordance with the defect reporting regulations, Part 573.; The Defect Information Report involves: 8,422 - Mazda Rotary picku trucks, concerning deformed exhaust pipe protector which may cause tall dry grass to smolder if the vehicle is parked and the grass is in contact with the pipe protector.; The following National Highway Traffic Safety Administratio identification number has been assigned to the campaign *74-0193*. The first quarterly status report for this campaign is required to be submitted by February 5, 1975. Please refer to the above number in all future correspondence concerning this campaign.; The letter which you have sent to the owners of the subject vehicle states that a defect exists 'in the exhaust system of the 1974 Mazda. . . .' This does not conform to Part 577.4(b) since, where vehicles are involved, the defect should be described in this sentence as existing in the vehicle. The reference in the regulation to 'item of motor vehicle equipment' only applies to equipment campaigns. Since this discrepancy in your notification letter does not appear to be serious, mailing of a revised letter will not be required.; Sincerely, Andrew G. Detrick, Acting Director, Office of Defect Investigation, Motor Vehicle Programs;