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Interpretation ID: aiam0143

Hector J. Rosso, Esquire, 141 North Arrowhead, San Bernardino, California 92401; Hector J. Rosso
141 North Arrowhead
San Bernardino
California 92401;

Dear Mr. Rosso: This is in response to your letter of February 14, 1969, in which yo seek information concerning possible overloading of Seiberling 8.25-20 ten ply rating truck tires manufactured in approximately 1963.; The Federal Highway Administration has issued a Federal motor vehicl safety standard for passenger car tires manufactured after January 1, 1968 requiring them to meet certain tests when loaded to prescribed weights. (49 C.F.R. S371.21 Standard 109). Performance requirements for truck tires are presently under consideration. Comments have been received in response to an Advance Notice of Proposed Rule Making on this matter but regulations have not as yet been issued.; The Bureau of Motor Carrier Safety regulates the safety and operatio of interstate motor carriers. Its regulation regarding tires (49 C.F.R. S393.75) is not relevant to your inquiry.; One fruitful source of information may be the Tire and Rim Associatio Yearbook. This publication provides data on tires and suggests standards for tire load limits. It is published by the Tire and Rim Association, Inc., Comand Building, 34N. Hawkins Avenue, Akron, Ohio 44313.; I hope this information will be of value to you. Sincerely, Robert M. O'Mahoney, Assistant Chief Counsel fo Regulations(sic);