Search Interpretations
Interpretation ID: aiam2715
Mr. T. V. Barlow, Britax (Wingard) Limited, Chichester West Sussex PO19 2UG;
Mr. T. V. Barlow
Britax (Wingard) Limited
Chichester West Sussex PO19 2UG;
Britax (Wingard) Limited
Chichester West Sussex PO19 2UG;
Dear Mr. Barlow: This responds to your letter of October 24, 1977, asking whethe Federal safety standards permit passive safety belts to be equipped with conventional buckles for emergency release.; In answer to your question, Standard No. 208, *Occupant Cras Protection*, not only permits buckles on passive belt systems, it requires them. Under paragraphs S4.5.3.3 and S7.2 of the standard, passive seat belt assemblies are required to have a latch mechanism that releases the restraints. The release is required to be at a single point by pushbutton action.; Please contact us if you have any further questions. Sincerely, Joseph J. Levin, Jr., Chief Counsel