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Search Interpretations

Interpretation ID: aiam1569

Mr. James P. Coughlin, Vice President - Marketing, Bell Helmets Inc., 2850 East 29th Street, Long Beach, CA 90806; Mr. James P. Coughlin
Vice President - Marketing
Bell Helmets Inc.
2850 East 29th Street
Long Beach
CA 90806;

Dear Mr. Coughlin: This is in reply to your letter of July 25, 1974, asking whether th statement 'Make no modifications' included in the labeling requirements of Standard 218, *Motorcycle Helmets*, would prohibit the after-market installation of a quick release device which may be attached to a helmet's retention strap. You included an illustration of such a device in your letter.; The answer is no. The statement does not restrict after-marke modifications by a first purchaser for purposes other than resale. It only serves to warn the consumer of the danger of making such modifications.; Yours truly, Richard B. Dyson, Acting Chief Counsel