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Interpretation ID: aiam2502

Mr. Carlyle Holtan, Director of Transportation, Administrative Offices, Oconomowoc Public Schools, 7077 Brown Street, Oconomowoc, WI 53066; Mr. Carlyle Holtan
Director of Transportation
Administrative Offices
Oconomowoc Public Schools
7077 Brown Street
WI 53066;

Dear Mr. Holtan: This responds to your February 3, 1977, letter asking whether the ne school bus definition (effective April 1, 1977) precludes the use of vans which seat less than 10 passengers from transporting children to and from school.; The Motor Vehicle and Schoolbus Safety Amendments of 1974 (Pub. L 93-492) authorized the NHTSA to redefine the term 'school bus' to include all motor vehicles which seat 10 or more passengers and which transport children to and from school. The NHTSA redefined the term in accordance with the wishes of Congress for the purpose of prescribing safety requirements for buses that fall within the definition. The definition does not preclude the use of vans or any other type of motor vehicle which seat fewer than 10 passengers from transporting children to and from school. Such vehicles may transport children without complying with the school bus safety requirements.; Sincerely, Frank A. Berndt, Acting Chief Counsel