Search Interpretations
Interpretation ID: aiam0929
Mrs. Katherine C. Little, Edgewood Motorcycle Shop, 1711 Pulaski Highway, Edgewood, MD 21040;
Mrs. Katherine C. Little
Edgewood Motorcycle Shop
1711 Pulaski Highway
MD 21040;
Edgewood Motorcycle Shop
1711 Pulaski Highway
MD 21040;
Dear Mrs. Little: This is in reply to your letter of November 30, 1972, asking if yo have to maintain a record of the tires you sell and register or is it sufficient to mail the requested information to the tire manufacturer or the tire manufacturer's designee.; Under Part 574.8 of the Tire Identification and Record Keepin regulation (49 CFR Part 574) a tire dealer is recorded to submit the required information to the tire manufacturer or his designee but is not required to keep a separate record of the tires sold.; Sincerely, David Schmeltzer, Assistant Chief Counsel