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Interpretation ID: aiam1553

Mr. John W. Lolley, Lolley's Inc., Long Hill Road, Gray, ME 04039; Mr. John W. Lolley
Lolley's Inc.
Long Hill Road
ME 04039;

Dear Mr. Lolley: Thank you for your letter of July 15, 1974, concerning you responsibilities as a manufacturer.; Since you shorten frames and mount fifth wheels on new trucks, you ar either an intermediate or final stage manufacturer. I have enclosed Parts 566, 567, 568, and 573 for your information. In addition, I have enclosed a form, entitled 'Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards and Regulations' that will enable you to obtain these documents.; If you have any questions on the above, please write me or call Mr David Fay, of my staff, on (202) 426-2817.; Sincerely, Roger H. Compton, Director, Engineering Systems Staff, Moto Vehicle Programs;