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Interpretation ID: aiam0987

Mr. Ross M. Smith, Midwest Business Forms, Inc., 4900 North River Road, Schiller Park, IL 60176; Mr. Ross M. Smith
Midwest Business Forms
4900 North River Road
Schiller Park
IL 60176;

Dear Mr. Smith: This is in reply to your letter of February 5, 1973, concerning th odometer disclosure form that you propose to print in accordance with the Federal odometer Disclosure Requirements, 49 CFR 580.; As you indicate, the proposed form conforms in all respects to the for specified in S 580.6, except that it provides additional space for the State and year of the last plate. We find that these items will help identify a vehicle, and that their inclusion is consistent with the purpose of the form. We therefore do not object to their inclusion on the form.; Sincerely, Lawrence R. Schneider, Chief Counsel