Interpretation ID: aiam3539
United Sidecar Association
1621 Palomino Lane
TX 77339;
Dear Dr. Kendall: This is in reply to your letter of February 20, 1982, with respect t pulsating headlamps.; You have interpreted my letter of February 9, 1982, as stating tha 'for daytime operation of a motorcycle headlight, the light may be permitted to pulsate or modulate from one level of brightness to another.' On the contrary, I stated that 'a lamp whose intensity varies from a higher output to a lower output...would be prohibited.' However, I also stated that, if complete deactivation occurs (i.e., from a higher output to no output), then that mode of operation is permissible.; With respect to your latest letter and the problems of headlighting i older motorcycles, there would be no need to have the smaller bulb illuminated, and the 'definite on/off/on/off sequence' you mention is sufficient for compliance with Standard No. 108.; Sincerely, Frank Berndt, Chief Counsel