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Interpretation ID: aiam0179

Mr. Jim Tydings, Chief Engineer, Perley A. Thomas Car Works, Inc., High Point, NC 27261; Mr. Jim Tydings
Chief Engineer
Perley A. Thomas Car Works
High Point
NC 27261;

Dear Mr. Tydings: This is in reply to your letter of August 4, 1969, in which you reques approval of an alternative to the label locations specified in section 367.4(c) of the Certification Regulations that are effective as to vehicles manufactured on or after September 1, 1969.; The location you have selected is not considered to be in the sam general area, left side of the vehicle, as specified. In view of the fact that interested parties will be looking for the label in the general area, to the left of the vehicle, we are approving a label location to the left of the access panel instead of the right as you have shown in your drawing No. 2507-2369.; If there is any reason why you cannot attach your label in the area w have suggested, please advise. It is assumed that our alternative should not impose undue hardship. In the interest of avoiding unnecessary correspondence, no response from you will be interpreted as your acceptance of the above.; Your cooperation is appreciated. Sincerely, Robert Brenner, Acting Director