Interpretation ID: aiam1786
Ford Motor Company
Michigan 48121;
Dear Mr. Eckhold:#This responds to your letter of December 19, 1974, t Dr. Gregory, requesting confirmation of your interpretation of Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 106-74, *Brake Hoses*.#You described a brake booster system which combines vacuum and hydraulic boost, with the latter supplied by the power steering pump. In a Federal Register notice on June 28, 1974 (39 FR 24012, Docket No. 1-5, Notice 11) the NHTSA exempted certain hydraulic booster hoses from the requirements of Standard No. 106-74. Although no power steering fluid accumulator is used, the hydraulic booster hose which you described is exempt from the requirements of the standard because of the presence of redundant booster power supplied by the independent vacuum booster system.#A future amendment to Standard No. 106-74 to eliminate ambiguity respecting the standard's applicability to hydraulic booster hoses is currently under consideration.#Yours truly,Richard B. Dyson,Acting Chief Counsel;