Interpretation ID: aiam0894
Engineering Representative
Nissan Motor Co.
560 Sylvan Avenue
Englewood Cliffs
NJ 07632;
Dear Mr. Kato: This is in reply to your letter of August 14, 1972, on the subject o the test dummy specifications of Standard No. 208. I apologize for our delay in replying.; The alignment procedures of S8.1.11 of the standard cause the head t be aligned so that its vertical axis is almost in the same plane as the dummy's back. The necks on most commercial dummies are made of rubber and are installed at such an angle that, as you noted, the specified head alignment cannot be maintained. To correct this misalignment, the necks must be adjusted by shims or other means so that the correct alignment can be maintained.; The center of gravity of the upper thorax is approximated by dimension C and D in Table I and Figure 1 of SAE Recommended Practice J963. The precise location may vary slightly from one dummy model to another due to variances in the distribution of mass in the thoracic area.; Truly yours, Richard Dyson, Assistant Chief Counsel