Interpretation ID: aiam2450
Director - Vehicle Safety
American Motors Corporation
14250 Plymouth Road
MI 48232;
Dear Mr. Schang:#This responds to American Motors Corporation's (AMC's September 9, 1976, request for confirmation that Standard No. 101, *Control Location, Identification, and Illumination*, permits the addition of a 'fan' symbol to a control that is identified by the word 'fan' in accordance with the requirements of S4.2.1.#The AMC interpretation is incorrect. Section S4.2.1 states in part:#>>>S4.2.1 . . . . A control may, in addition, be identified by a symbol, but only a symbol shown in column 3 or 4 shall be used. However, if the word 'None' appears in column 3, no symbol shall be provided. . . .<<<#Table I, whose columns are referred to in S4.2.1, contains an entry for 'Heating and Air Conditioning System,' and column 3 for that entry contains the word 'None'. This means that no symbol can be used in addition to the word 'fan' on the control for the fan control switch.#The language in the preambles to three proposals to amend Standard No. 101 that you list in your letter does not have the effect of amending the requirements of the standard itself. As you are no doubt aware, a recent proposal would amend Table I to include a symbol for the heating and air conditioning system, but this proposal has not yet been made final. A copy of the proposal is enclosed for your information.#Sincerely, Frank A. Berndt, Acting Chief Counsel;