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Interpretation ID: aiam0085

Mr. Ferris M. Smith, Jr., President, Horseless Carriage Corp., 1227 N.E. 9th Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304; Mr. Ferris M. Smith
Horseless Carriage Corp.
1227 N.E. 9th Avenue
Fort Lauderdale
FL 33304;

Dear Mr. Smith: This is in response to your letter of June 11, 1968, concerning th applicability of Federal motor vehicle safety standards to motor vehicles which have a curb weight of 1000 pounds or less.; Your reference to section 255.7 of the Federal motor vehicle safet standards and the present applicability of the standards to motor vehicles 1000 pounds or less curb weight is correct. However, we are enclosing a copy of Advance Notice of Proposed Rule Making, Docket No. 5-1, which was published in the *Federal Register* on October 14, 1967. As you can see from the Advance Notice of Proposed Rule Making, the Administrator is considering adding new standards applicable to motor vehicles of 1000 pounds or less curb weight.; Sincerely, Robert M. O'Mahoney, Assistant Chief Counsel