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Interpretation ID: aiam1047

Mr. Norman E. Salzman, General Manager, The Fairmount Press, P.O. Box 3, Bronx, NY 10453; Mr. Norman E. Salzman
General Manager
The Fairmount Press
P.O. Box 3
NY 10453;

Dear Mr. Salzman: This will serve to confirm the opinion you received by phone on Marc 16, 1973, concerning the content of the disclosure statement required by 49 CFR Part 580, Odometer Disclosure Requirements.; You had previously asked, by letter dated February 28, 1973, whether State odometer disclosure form, such as that required by New York, could be used to satisfy the Federal requirement. Our reply was that it could be used, and you have now asked what information must be added to satisfy the Federal requirements.; As we indicated by phone, the item that must be added to the New Yor form is the reference to the Federal remedy required by section 580.4. This reference consists of two elements: a citation to the Federal law, and a statement that failure to provide accurate information may result in civil liability. Each of these elements is contained in the parenthetical statement that introduces section 580.6, and you may therefore use the section 580.6 statement to conform the New York forms to Federal practice.; Yours truly, Richard B. Dyson, Assistant Chief Counsel