Interpretation ID: aiam1944
Hickman Hampel Corp.
4149 North Stowell Avenue
WI 53211;
Dear Mr. Hickman: This is in response to your letter of March 10, 1975, petitioning th National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to authorize the use of tempered glass for motorcycle windscreens.; As you know, Standard No. 205 and USAS Z26.1 prohibits the use o tempered glass in motorcycle windscreens. The rationale for this requirement is that tempered glass when impacted either shatters, showering the operator with glass pellets, or crazes, thereby obscuring the operator's vision. Consequently, while there are definite safety advantages to the use of windshield wipers, it is our view that they do not offset the dangers cited above. Your petition, therefore, is denied.; We trust you will be able to find a laminated glass or acrylic whic meets both your requirements and our standard, and wish you success in this endeavor.; Sincerely, Robert L. Carter, Associate Administrator, Motor Vehicl Programs;