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Interpretation ID: aiam0093

Mr. B.A. Luff, General Manager, Lotus Vehicle Engineering, Division of Lotus Cars Limited, Wymondham 3411, Norwich 92W, England; Mr. B.A. Luff
General Manager
Lotus Vehicle Engineering
Division of Lotus Cars Limited
Wymondham 3411
Norwich 92W

Dear Mr. Luff: Mr. Bridwell has asked that I reply to your letters dated November 1 and July 3 which ask if Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 201 requires your company's 'Elan Convertible' to have sun visors.; The National Highway Safety Bureau recognizes that the requirements fo every passenger car to have two sun visors of energy-absorbing material with mountings that have no rigid material edge radius of less than 0.125 if statically contactable by a 6.5 inch diameter head form, aay(sic) create a problem for manufacturers of certain types of vehicles. However, the requirement will, on balance, contribute to the safety of the general public.; Compliance with the requirement can and should be made in a manner s as to increase occupant protection.; Sincerely, Robert M. O'Mahoney, Assistant Chief Counsel for Regulations