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Interpretation ID: aiam1092

Ms. Lois M. Woocher, Attorney, Boston Regional Office, Federal Trade Commission, Rm. 2200-C, Kennedy Federal Building, Government Center, Boston, MA 02203; Ms. Lois M. Woocher
Boston Regional Office
Federal Trade Commission
Rm. 2200-C
Kennedy Federal Building
Government Center
MA 02203;

Dear Ms. Woocher: This is in response to your letter of March 21, 1973, forwarding complaint from Kenneth D. Peaslee. Mr. Peaslee ordered a 1973 Honda motorcycle, and was delivered one manufactured in December 1971. He asks if the dealer should make him a partial refund. The question is one should be answered under Massachusetts laws and we are unable to advise him of his rights. There is no violation of any regulation administered by this agency.; I note that the Massachusetts investigator made the statement in hi letter of March 15, 1973, which you enclosed that the Federal Government 'stopped' a practice of model year misdating 'among foreign auto importers.' That statement is not really accurate. We require (49 CFR Part 567) that each motor vehicle be equipped with a label disclosing among other things, the month and year of manufacture. The main purpose of this is to allow a determination of what Federal motor vehicle safety standards were applicable when the vehicle was manufactured. This dating may make it commercially more difficult for a manufacturer or dealer to represent the vehicle as being of a later model year, but such representations are not prohibited or otherwise regulated under our rules.; Yours truly, Richard B. Dyson, Assistant Chief Counsel