Interpretation ID: aiam3105
3000 Kennedy Boulevard
Room 307
Jersey City
NJ 07306;
Dear Mr. Delgado: This responds to your recent letter requesting information concernin Federal and State laws applicable to the manufacture of van seats.; The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration issues safet standards and regulations governing the manufacture of motor vehicles and motor vehicle equipment. Safety Standard No. 207, *Seating Systems* (49 CFR 571.207), specifies performance requirements for seats, their attachment assemblies and their installation to minimize the possibility of seat failure resulting from crash forces. This standard is applicable to seats as installed in vehicles, including vans, but is not applicable to seats as individual pieces of motor vehicle equipment. Therefore, the vehicle manufacturer, not the seat manufacturer, would be responsible for compliance with Standard No. 207. However, under section 151, *et seq*., of the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act, a manufacturer of vehicle seats would be responsible for any safety related defects in his products and would be required to notify owners and remedy the defects.; I am enclosing a copy of Safety Standard No. 207 for your information as well as an information sheet that explains where you can obtain copies of all our standards and regulations. You will have to contact the individual States in which you are interested to find out if there are any State or local laws applicable to your business.; Sincerely, Frank Berndt, Chief Counsel