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Interpretation ID: aiam1138

Mr. Norman E. Salzman, General Manager, The Fairmount Press, 1993 Jerome Avenue, Bronx, NY 10453; Mr. Norman E. Salzman
General Manager
The Fairmount Press
1993 Jerome Avenue
NY 10453;

Dear Mr. Salzman: This is in response to your letter of May 14, 1973, for clarificatio of our comment on the mileage statement appearing in your form MVF.; The language 'at the time of' and 'upon' are equally satisfactory fo use in your proposed statement, as you have pointed out. The difficulty raised in our last letter concerns the tense of the statement, and this problem could be corrected simply by replacing the word 'was' with the word 'is' so that the statement reads; >>>'The mileage appearing on the odometer of the motor vehicl described above at time of transfer to: * * is as follows:'; Yours truly, Richard B. Dyson, Assistant Chief Counsel