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Interpretation ID: aiam3797

John H. Schmidt, P.E., Certification Supervisor, Harley- Davidson Motor Co., Inc., 3700 W. Juneau Avenue, P.O. Box 653, Milwaukee, WI 53201; John H. Schmidt
Certification Supervisor
Harley- Davidson Motor Co.
3700 W. Juneau Avenue
P.O. Box 653
WI 53201;

Dear Mr. Schmidt: This responds to your February 6, 1984 letter to Roger Fairchild o this office, in which you asked whether your company may include on vehicle certification labels gross vehicle weight rating and gross axle weight rating information expressed in kilograms. The metric units would be used in addition to information expressed in pounds, with the English units appearing first on the label and the metric units following in parenthesis. Our certification regulations (49 CFR Part 567) provide that this information is to be specified in pounds.; The inclusion of metric weight ratings in addition to the English unit specified in our regulation (with the English units appearing first) has previously been approved in an agency interpretation letter, a copy of which is enclosed. Therefore, your proposed certification labels are authorized under the certification regulations.; Sincerely, Frank Berndt, Chief Counsel