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Interpretation ID: aiam2305

Honorable William S. Broomfield, House of Representatives, Washington, DC 20515; Honorable William S. Broomfield
House of Representatives
DC 20515;

Dear Mr. Broomfield: This is in response to your letter of May 10, 1976, forwarding petition for reconsideration of the recently issued Part 581 bumper standard from Gulf + Western Manufacturing Company. You indicate your support of the petition and request that you be informed of any action taken by the agency concerning the bumper standard.; It is the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's policy t issue a notice of action taken on petitions for reconsideration within 120 days after publication of the final rule, unless action within that time is impracticable. I assure you that Gulf + Western's comments and the information contained in all of the petitions for reconsideration will receive thorough consideration. The agency's response to the petitions will be published in the *Federal Register*, a copy of which will be sent as requested.; Sincerely, James B. Gregory, Administrator