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Interpretation ID: aiam1362

Mr. Arden H. Faris, Assistant Director, American Retreader's Association, Inc., P.O. Box 17203, Louisville, Kentucky 40217; Mr. Arden H. Faris
Assistant Director
American Retreader's Association
P.O. Box 17203
Kentucky 40217;

Dear Mr. Faris: This is in reply to your letter of November 20, 1973, asking under wha conditions retreaded tires, which you describe as, 'not first class mainly from the standpoint of appearance,' may be sold. You state that the tires are not defective, and are being sold for non-highway use, such as for farm wagons and hay bailers.; Standard No. 117 (Retreaded pneumatic tires) applies to all retreade tires manufactured for use on passenger cars. The sale of such tires for off-highway vehicular purposes does not remove them from the coverage of the standard. Consequently, the tires must comply fully with Standard No. 117, bear the manufacturer's identification number (49 CFR Part 574), and not be restricted to off-road operation.; Sincerely, Lawrence R. Schneider, Chief Counsel