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Interpretation ID: aiam0709

Mr. James A. Walsh, President, Armstrong Rubber Company, 500 Sargent Drive, New Haven, Connecticut 06507; Mr. James A. Walsh
Armstrong Rubber Company
500 Sargent Drive
New Haven
Connecticut 06507;

Dear Mr. Walsh: #We are in receipt of your response of October 7, 1971 to CIR 368.1.1, concerning Admiral Belted 78 tires that were branded on one side only. #The Administration considers the act of branding on only one sidewall at a time when the standard required both sidewalls be labeled, to be inexcusable. If similar incidents of overlooking requirements come to our attention we will pursue civil penalties. However, based on the information before us we are closing our files in this case with regard to both civil penalties and defect notification. The Administration reserves the right to reopen this file in the event that further violations of this nature come to its attention. #Sincerely, Francis Armstrong, Director, Office of Standards Enforcement, Motor Vehicle Programs;